An Exiled plugin for SCP:Secret Labotary that sends a discord webhook with information when a player joins and leaves the server. Including in a timespan of 5 minutes if the player decides to quit and rejoin to avoid becoming a 049-2 (zombie). Also has an option to show the players IP within the webhook next to the steam ID if needed for some reason, or can be disabled in the config.
Example messages:
Combine Shotugnner (REDACTED) left the server.
Role: ChaosInsurgency True.
giopapathomas (REDACTED) joined the server. Last left the server 2 minutes ago. Role: None Dead Spectator True.
Giga (REDACTED) joined the server. Role: None Dead Spectator True.
holy shit (REDACTED) left the server.
Role: None Dead Spectator True.
Config file:
is_enabled: true
webhook_url: '###WEBHOOK URL HERE###'
debug: false
time_since_leaving_counter: 5 (in minutes)
show_player_i_p: false (should it include the player IP in the webhook message?)
join_message: 'joined the server.'
leave_message: 'left the server.'
last_role: 'Role'
timer: 'Last left the server {minutes} minutes ago.'