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This plugin add a new SCP custom role with the 
containment chamber in HczTestRoom !

Made For Both Role-Play Server Or Normal Server ! ⚙️



 is_enabled: true
 debug: true
 schematic_name: 'CustomSchematic-008OmegaV2'
 distance_infected: 3
 cooldown: 0
 # Don`t change it if you don`t know what it.
   x: 0
   y: 0
   z: 5
 # Infected broadcast.
 infected_broadcast: 'Vous sentez une odeur étrange !'
 infected_broadcast_time: 5
 # Effects that are added to the infected player when he in radius schematic. You can add, change or remove exist setting. (EffectType)
 - Concussed
 - Deafened
 - Exhausted
 - Poisoned
 # Effects that are added to the infected player when Scp-008 hit he.
 - Concussed
 - Deafened
 - Exhausted
 - Poisoned
 # Which doors locked? You can add, change or remove exist setting. (DoorType)
 - GateA
 # It message send if all copy Scp-008 died.
 all_died_cassie_message: 'pitch_0.1 .g4 .g4 .g4 pitch_0.9 All SCP 0 0 8 has been successfully terminated'
 all_died_cassie_message_translate: 'Toutes les instances de SCP-008 sont exterminées !'
 # Custom Roles: Settings
   id: 800
   max_health: 600
   role: Scp0492
     x: 1
     y: 1
     z: 1
   name: 'Scp-008'
   description: 'Vous êtes SCP-008 !'''
   custom_info: 'SCP-008'
   console_message: 'Vous avez apparue dans un rôle personnalisé !'
   # The broadcast content
     content: 'Vous êtes SCP-008 !'
     # The broadcast duration
     duration: 10
     # The broadcast type
     type: Normal
     # Indicates whether the broadcast should be shown or not
     show: true
     limit: 0
     dynamic_spawn_points: []
     static_spawn_points: []
     - role: Scp049
       chance: 0
   hume_shield: 200
   damage: 20
   # Effects that are added to the Scp-008. You can add, change or remove exist setting. (EffectType)
   - Disabled
   cassie_message: 'pitch_0.1 .g4 .g4 .g4 pitch_0.9 alert pitch_0.8 SCP pitch_0.75 0 0 pitch_0.95 .g6 8 pitch_0.9 is detected in heavy containment zone . pitch_0.95 All gate are now locked pitch_0.1 .g4 .g4 .g4'
   cassie_message_translated: 'Alerte, SCP-008 est détecté dans la zone de confinement lourd. Toutes les portes de sortie sont maintenant bloqué !'
   custom_abilities: []
   inventory: []
   ammo: {}
   keep_position_on_spawn: false
   keep_inventory_on_spawn: false
   removal_kills_player: true
   keep_role_on_death: false
   spawn_chance: 0
   ignore_spawn_system: false
   keep_role_on_changing_role: false
   display_custom_item_messages: true
   custom_role_f_f_multiplier: {}
   ability_usage: 'Enter ".special" in the console to use your ability. If you have multiple abilities, you can use this command to cycle through them, or specify the one to use with ".special ROLENAME AbilityNum"'


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