These Schematics implement the possibility for SCP-173 to access rooms using ventilation systems.
It's important to note that not all rooms in the game have these ventilation systems.

Here is a list of selected rooms:
- Lcz914
- Lcz330
- LczArmory
- Hcz106
- Hcz049
- HczHid
- EzGateB

To use these ventilation systems as SCP-173, you need to approach the button located outside the room, and you'll be immediately teleported.
If you find yourself trapped in the room, you can try to exit by approaching the door again.
However, please be aware that there's a 50% chance of being teleported back to the initial room or to the Lcz173 / Hcz173 zone, depending on your location.

Lcz914 = Lcz173
Hcz106 = Hcz173

Every time you use teleportation, there's a 60-second cooldown.
When you purchase the product, you'll receive five maps: one with all the ventilation systems open and the other four randomly set.
Additionally, you can adjust the percentage, cooldown, and the roles within the game (so that you can add other roles that can use these ventilation systems) in the various schematics through the "Vent173(Room)teleport.json" file.

If you decide to purchase the product, please note that inside, there will be a txt file named "Schematic Coordinates - Backup" to have all the coordinates in case something goes wrong.

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June 15, 2024



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