Environmental Hazards

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Product Information:
This Plugin allows you to introduce various Environmental Hazards.
Currently only 3 are implemented but I plan to add more with Exiled 9.

After a certain number of seconds from the beginning of the Round the Plugin will randomly select an environmental hazard and announce it through a broadcast.
After the announcement the hazard will be activated after 5 seconds allowing those inside to exit and save themselves.
In the configuration you can exclude any RoomType you desire.

– Blackout:
It will turn off the lights and lock the doors of the room.
(It won’t close them)

– Gas:
This hazard will change the color of the room’s lights to green, close and lock the doors.
Players inside will receive the “Poison” effect but you can survive by using the Medikit properly.

– Radiation:
This hazard will close and lock the room for 5 seconds.
Players inside will receive positive effects.
(Effects can be added or removed from the configuration).

is_enabled: true
debug: false
# Minimum and maximum interval in seconds between the activation of an environmental hazard.
min_event_interval: 180
max_event_interval: 300
# The maximum distance within which it searches for nearby rooms to a player to activate environmental hazards.
max_room_distance: 40
# Rooms to exclude for environmental hazards.
– EzGateA
– EzGateB
– Lcz914
– Hcz049
– Hcz106
– Surface
# Broadcast of each environmental hazard and duration.
blackout_announce_broadcast: |-
⚠️ Blackout detected in {roomType}. ⚠️
Please proceed to a safe location immediately.
gas_announce_broadcast: |-
⚠️ Gas spreading detected in {roomType}. ⚠️
Please proceed to a safe location immediately.
radiation_announce_broadcast: |-
⚠️ Radiation detected in {roomType}. ⚠️
Please proceed to a safe location immediately.
announce_event_broadcast_duration: 10
# Blackout
blackout_activated_broadcast: ‘Blackout activated in {roomType}.’
blackout_activated_broadcast_duration: 10
blackout_duration: 30
blackout_door_lock_duration: 30
# Gas
gas_activated_broadcast: ‘Gas spreading detected in {roomType}.’
gas_activated_broadcast_duration: 10
poisoned_show_hint: ‘You have been poisoned.’
poisoned_show_hint_duration: 5
gas_door_lock_duration: 40
poisoned_duration: 40
# Radiation
radiation_activated_broadcast: ‘Radiation detected in {roomType}.’
radiation_activated_broadcast_duration: 10
radiation_show_hint: ‘You have obtained from Radiation exposure: {radiationEffect}.’
radiation_show_hint_duration: 5
radiation_door_lock_duration: 10
radiation_effect_duration: 120
– DamageReduction
– Ghostly
– Vitality
– BodyshotReduction
– InsufficientLighting
– Invigorated
– Scp1853

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June 15, 2024



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