⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯[ SCP-575 ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

This plugin add a new SCP custom role with differents ability !

Made For Both Role-Play Server Or Normal Server ! ⚙️



 is_enabled: true
 debug: true
 # SCP-575: Attack cooldown.
 attack_cooldown: 2
 # SCP-575: Chance spawn
 chance: 0
 # SCP-575: HumeShield
 h_s: 1000
 # SCP-575: Distance where lantern damaged.
 lantern_distance: 10
 # SCP-575: Distance where flashlight and weapon light damaged.
 flashlight_distance: 25
 # SCP-575: Distance where GrenadeFlash damaged.
 grenade_flash_distance: 15
 # SCP-575: Quantity seconds, how many he visible if damaged someone.
 visible_if_damaged_someone: 2
 # SCP-575: How much damage does it do in blackout?
 damage_in_blackout: 25
 # SCP-575: How much damage does it do not in blackout?
 damage_not_in_blackout: 5
 # SCP-575: How much damage from GrenadeFlash?
 grenade_flash_damage: 250
 # SCP-575: How much damage from Lantern?
 damage_from_lantern_invisible: 75
 damage_from_lantern_visible: 75
 # SCP-575: How much damage from Flashlight?
 damage_from_flashlight_invisible: 100
 damage_from_flashlight_visible: 100
 # SCP-575: Can receiving damage if invisible?
 can_receive_damage_if_invisible: false
 # SCP-575: Invisible if light enabled
 invisible_if_light_enabled: true
 # SCP-575: Died announce cassie.
 died_announce_cassie: 'SCP 5 7 5 HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY NEUTRALIZED'
 died_announce_cassie_translate: 'SCP-575 a été neutralisé avec succès.'
 # SCP-575: How long broadcast description show?
 description_broadcast_time: 10
 # SCP-575: Died reason. (DamageType)
 died_reason: Recontainment
 # Blackout: Can be canceled?
 blackout_can_canceled: false
 # Blackout: Duration
 blackout_duration: 300
 # Blackout: Cooldown
 blackout_cooldown: 180
 blackout_already_used: 'La capacité a déjà été utilisée. Attendez %s secondes !'
 # Damager: Every how much seconds damaged, when using ability.
 blackout_damager_timer: 10
 # Damager: Damage
 blackout_damager_damage: 5
 # Damager: SCP can take damage?
 blackout_damager_s_c_p: false
 # Damager: Which roles ignored?
 - Tutorial
 # Blackout: If player canceled.
 blackout_canceled: 'Vous avez annulé la capacité !'
 # Blackout: If he activate it.
 blackout_activate: 'Vous avez activé la capacité !'
 # Blackout: If activate.
 blackout_activate_cassie: 'Alert, facility power system failure pitch_0.15 .g7'
 blackout_activate_cassie_translate: 'Alerte, panne du système d’alimentation de l’installation.'
 # Blackout: Prefix C.A.S.S.I.E if activated.
 blackout_activate_prefix: ''
 # Blackout: When ability canceled.
 blackout_deactivate_cassie: 'pitch_0.15 .g7 pitch_0.95 facility power system now operational'
 blackout_deactivate_cassie_translate: 'Le système d’alimentation électrique de l’installation est désormais opérationnel.'
 blackout_broadcast_time: 10
 # CustomRoles: Settings
   id: 575
   role: Scp106
   max_health: 1500
   name: 'SCP-575'
   description: 'Vous êtes SCP-575 !'
   custom_info: 'SCP-575'
   ability_usage: 'Pour activer la capacité appuyer sur la touche [Noclip], [ALT] !'
   console_message: 'Vous avez apparue dans un rôle personnalisé !'
   - name: 'Blackout'
     description: 'Vous pouvez utiliser la capacité avec la touche [ALT] !'
     # Changing this will likely break your config.
     ability_type: 'Blackout'
   inventory: []
   ammo: {}
     limit: 0
     dynamic_spawn_points: []
     static_spawn_points: []
     role_spawn_points: []
   keep_position_on_spawn: false
   keep_inventory_on_spawn: false
   removal_kills_player: true
   keep_role_on_death: false
   spawn_chance: 0
   ignore_spawn_system: false
   keep_role_on_changing_role: false
   # The broadcast content
     content: 'Vous êtes SCP-575 !'
     # The broadcast duration
     duration: 10
     # The broadcast type
     type: Normal
     # Indicates whether the broadcast should be shown or not
     show: true
   display_custom_item_messages: true
     x: 1.1
     y: 1.1
     z: 1.1
   custom_role_f_f_multiplier: {}


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